Below is the recommended salt bath recipe to use in conjunction with EE-System sessions to assist in detoxification.

• 2 cups | sea salt

• 2 cups | baking soda

• 1 cup | 20 Mule Team Borax

• 2 tablespoons (or more) | Hypercharged EESalt (if available)


• Add pine oil or other essential oil

• 1/2 cup | bentonite clay

• 2 tsp. - 1/4 cup | ginger powder

• 2 tsp. - 1/4 cup | matcha green tea

• 2 cups | food grade or regular Hydrogen Peroxide


Put in a tub of hot water and soak for 30 minutes or more with a wet towel over the chest. Also good to scrub skin while in bath.

Good to use magnesium lotion or magnesium oil with coconut oil following the bath.


You are making a dedicated intention and investment with coming to New Awake. Aftercare from your session is just as important as the session itself.

Just as massage, infrared saunas and other self-care, once you’ve been in with our 12-unit system, toxins will have been moved around in your body, that must be moved out to continue on your wellness journey.

  • Drink extra water before, during and after your session. Hydrating your cells will help them receive the charge from the scalar energy.

  • Take a salt bath. Whether it is a full body bath or foot bath, a 30 min. salt bath will help pull toxins from your body. If you don’t, you are at risk for achy joints, headaches, etc. after your session. (Ingredients for the salt bath are below)

  • Medallions and bracelets charged with scalar energy can help you take the magic of the system with you.

We provide options for detox on site. You have the option of a QRI LED Harmonic footbath or a bag of detox bath salts as well as the hyper-charged medallions for purchase. Your wellness is important to us. Properly absorbing and maintaining the effects of the scalar energy is just as necessary to optimize the effectiveness of your investment.