
You are making a dedicated intention and investment with coming to New Awake. Aftercare from your session is just as important as the session itself.

Just as massage, infrared saunas and other self-care, once you’ve been in with our 12-unit system, toxins will have been moved around in your body, that must be moved out to continue on your wellness journey.

  • Drink water before, during and after your session. Hydrating your cells will help them receive the charge from the scalar energy. Fruits and vegetables can help too.

  • Take a salt bath. Whether it is a full body bath or foot bath, a 30 min. salt bath will help pull toxins from your body. If you don’t, you are at risk for achy joints, headaches, etc. after your session.

  • Medallions and bracelets charged with scalar energy can help you take the magic of the system with you.

We provide water on-site, as well as options for foot baths and the hyper-charged medallions for purchase. Your wellness is important to us. Properly absorbing and maintaining the effects of scalar energy is just as necessary to optimize the effectiveness of your investment.